MET Staff | Tuesday, July 8, 2014 |
and stakeholders are struggling to find a workable solution for how to protect
the economy and ecosystem from Asian carp that may invade the Great Lakes.
Carp Are Making Their Way to the Great Lakes
Asian carp, a
non-native species that can grow up to 100 pounds each and has no natural predators
in the Great Lakes, can wipe out entire species of fish by consuming all the
available plankton.
The United
States Department of Fish and Wildlife introduced the species in lakes in the
1970s in order to help control algae growth. The carp have been steadily making
their way up the Mississippi River and are now as far north as the Illinois
River, as they get closer and closer to the Great Lakes.
Attempts at Controlling the Asian Carp Population
have made numerous efforts to address the issue. According to media reports, some of the tactics they’ve tried include:
- water cannons to
create turbulence;
- chemical toxins;
- hiring commercial
fisherman to remove the fish;
- electric fishing.
Kevin Irons
from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources explains to FOX News: "We've taken over 2.1
million pounds since 2010. We've taken as many as 80,000 or 100,000 pounds in a
given week." Despite these efforts, the carp survive.
Solutions to Keep Asian Carp from the Great Lakes
possible solutions have been brought to table, including permanent barriers to
separate Lake Michigan from Chicago waterways.
It’s an $18
billion plan that would take 25 years to complete – and its efficacy is still
questionable. The fish could still find a way in, some suggest. “The true
threat of carp getting into the lakes won’t hinge on barriers, but rather the
very real possibility of humans simply taking live carp and dropping them in
the lake,” explains Michigan Radio citing
Michael Borgstrom, president of Wendella Sightseeing.
Potential for Economic & Ecological Ruin
Should the
Asian carp reach the Great Lakes, “the entire ecosystem of the Great Lakes
could be devastated,” explains FOX News.
Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell elucidates: “This is a national treasure
that we have and it's worth keeping. It's 20 percent of the surface fresh water
on the globe right here. We're the stewards of it, and it's at risk right
the economy of the Great Lakes area is based on the fishing, recreation and
shipping industries. And the proposed
solutions put these industries at odds:
- Fishing &
recreation – Without
a solution, the fishing industry and recreation industries would be
endangered, thanks to the Asian carp wiping out other species’ food
- Shipping – However, if the barriers are put
into place, it could wind up costing commercial shippers more than $200 million
per year, reports FOX News, citing
another report.
The shipping
industry is taking the stance that because “the presence of Asian
carp in the
canal is not a certainty, sacrificing the well-being of their
would be an irresponsible step,” according to a report in the Pepperdine Policy Review in Spring 2011.
the Information You Need
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